The Church that Rose from the Dead

The Church that Rose from the Dead is a film documentary conceived by Matt Harris of Cambridge Film. It tells the story of All Saints church, Cambridge, one of the city’s little-known gems.  All Saints is a spectacular example of the late nineteenth-century Arts and Crafts movement; it has decoration by some of its leading figures, including William Morris and Ford Madox Brown. The story of how it was built is a good example of the Victorians’ obsession with the Middle Ages and the Church of England’s flirtation with Catholicism.  Even more remarkable, however, and the source of the film’s title, is how close the building came to being demolished – by the Church of England itself, if you please – in the 1970s.

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The idea for the film was Matt’s, and he did all the filming himself; this was an entirely two-man production. I wrote the script and presented.

The full film is available on YouTube here; two short clips are available here and here.